Utilizada em grande medida em processos de inovação (disruptiva ou incremental), o design thinking, mais que uma metodologia poderá ser considerado um mindset de abordagem a qualquer tipo de desafio ou projeto.
Consolidada pela IDEO, esta abordagem garante uma grande customização aos desafios de cada projeto, mantendo sempre uma lógica de ciclos de divergência e convergência.
Changing experiences through empathy – GE the adventure series
Invision – design thinking handbook
Tom Kelley is design thinking ultimate disciple, he makes the case as to why
Designers, think big by Tim Brown (TED)
The Loop – IBM design documentary by Invision
What is design thinking (Daylight)
Design thinking in pictures (Google)
Design thinking is a process for creative problem solving
Design thinking (Harvard Business Review)
The design thinking process (IDEO)
Design thinking – what is that
Comprehensive anatomy of all “design thinking” workshops
The most complete design thinking tools and resource collections
This is design thinking (blog)
Design thinking as a strategy for innovation
On design thinking by Maggie Gram
Why design thinking is the future of management
The business of design thinking
The ultimate guide to understanding UX roles and which one you should go for
Design sprints vs design thinking vs agile