Information architecture

A arquitetura de informação diz respeito à construção da lógica de organização e catalogação das funcionalidades e conteúdos do produto, numa estrutura baseada no modelo mental dos utilizadores.

Essa estrutura deve ter em conta tudo aquilo que o produto tem para oferecer mas também dispôr as suas várias áreas numa organização previsível e consistente face às expectativas do utilizador.


How to make sense of any mess by Abby Covert

Information architecture by Richard Saul Wurman

Information architecture by O’Reilly

Complete beginner’s guide to information architecture

Difference between information architecture and UX design

Top 10 information architecture mistakes (Nielsen Norman Group)

The difference between information architecture and navigation (Nielsen Norman Group)

The information architecture institute

Information architecture – part 1 (UX Knowledge Base Sketch)

Information architecture – part 2 (UX Knowledge Base Sketch)

Information architecture – part 3 (UX Knowledge Base Sketch)

Information architecture – part 4 (UX Knowledge Base Sketch)

Information architecture – basics for designers

How information architecture works

Information architecture – how to make it worth your time and money

2022 Guide to information architecture in UX

Information architecture design step-by-step

Information architecture – design for understanding

Understanding IA

How to assess the maturity of your information architecture

Creating a web site information architecture in six steps

Why IA matters for UX – brief history of information architecture

Information architecture basics

Navigating the museum online

How to organize information effectively – what you can learn from information architecture