User research

O user research pode facilmente ser entendido como um conjunto alargado de ferramentas ou métodos focados em responder a cinco questões fundamentais (quem, o quê, porquê, quando e como).

Estas ferramentas servem para ajudar as equipas a encontrar as necessidades reais dos utilizadores, criar empatia e compreender melhor o contexto dos desafios que procuram resolver.


Jerónimo Martins – a UX research project by Matilde Figueiredo

Accelerating user research – how we structure insights for speed at Spotify

The eight pillars of user research

User research basics

What is user research

Complete beginner’s guide to UX research

When to use which user – experience research methods

User research blog (GOV.UK)

How to use storytelling in UX research reports

How to choose the right qualitative research methods

User research documentation (GOV.UK)

Alba Losada – template for research plan (Miro)

Synthetic Users – user research without users

7 Deadly sins of user research

The user research incentive calculator

Why I used Notion to document my UX research case study

The ultimate guide to mixed methods user research

Guide to using user-experience research methods (Nielsen Norman Group)

How to present your insights? Guide to writing UX research reports

How to use mixed method research to drive product decisions

Maze question bank for user research interviews

The best UX research methods in a pinch

5 Step process for conducting user research

User research – empathy is the best UX policy

UX Research cheat sheet

UX tools for user research and user testing

How should I structure and write a user research case study?

Practical beginner’s guide to user research

Creating a UX research system – making your work understood as a researcher

A beginner’s guide to getting started in UX research by Lade Tawak

List Apart articles about user research

A guide to using user experience research methods (Nielsen Norman Group)

A comprehensive guide to the UX research process in product design

The remote UX research bingo

The workflow process of a UX research study

Importance of user research

Which UX research method to use

User research framework for lean startups

The vital role of user research in design

How to sell UX research with two simple questions

A UX research framework to speed up your design process

User research for UX designers

Analysing user research effectively

ResearchOps 101 (Nielsen Norman Group)

Make your research reusable – introducing the information library for UX research

Agile and UX – how to make user research and agile development work together

The essential guide to user research

A comprehensive guide to user experience (UX) research – part 1

A comprehensive guide to user experience (UX) research – part 2

How to build a user research repository in Notion, step by step